- born in 1853 August 25
- Place : kollur (Kannammoola ,Trivandrum)
- Original name : Ayyappan
- Pet name : Kunjan pillai
- Also known as " Sarva Vidyadhirajan "
- After the attainment of Monk hood Chattambi Swami assumed the name Shanmugadasan
- Learned Siddha Medicine
- Attain samadhi in 1924 may 5 at Panmana in Kollam district
- Chattambi Swamikal explained the meaning of 'Chinmudra' to Swami Vivekananda
- Swami Vivekanandan said about Chattambi Swami “I have met a real man in Kerala.”
- Quote :The whole universe is one mind. Between mind and mind there is no vacuum
- He was a Nair reformist, protested against the existing social order for Hindus (Nairs , Ezhavas..) to attain a status equal to that of Brahmins in the society
- Monism(അദ്വൈതവാദം) is explained in Advaitachintha Padhathi
- Book - അദ്വൈതചിന്താപദ്ധതി, Vedantasaram , Vedhadikara Niroopanam , Christhumatha Niroopanam , Christhumatha Chethanam , Pracheena Malayalam , Adi Bhasha , Sarvamatha Samarasyam
1.An important work of Chattampi Swamikal - Vedadhikara Niroopanam (Full Time Junior Language Teacher Sanskrit 2020)
(A)Vedadhikara Niroopanam (B)Vedatarkam
(C)Varthamanapustakam (D)Chaturyantam
1.'Prachina Malayalam' is the work of - Chattampi Swamikal (Assistant Professor Pharmacology NCA 2019)
2.Who attained Samadhi at Panmana - Chattampiswamikal (Live Stock Inspector Gr. II 2019)
1.The author of 'Advaitha Chintha Padhathi' - Chattambi Swamikal (Assistant Professor in Surgical Gasteroenterology 2018)
2.“Panmana Asramam” is related to - Chattambi Swamikal (HSST -COMPUTER SCIENCE 2018)
3.Vedadhikaranirupanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Caretaker Male 2018)
4.Who was the author of “Kristhumatha Niroopanam” - Chattampi Swamikal (BLACK SMITH 2018)
5.Chattampi Swamikal was born at - Kannanmoola (Assistant Professor-General Surgery 2018)
6.At which place Chattampi Swamikal attained Samadhi - Panmana (Women Civil Excise Officer 2018)
7.Which social reformer of Kerala authored a book titled “Pracheena Malayalam” - Chattambi Swamikal (Staff Nurse Grade II 2018)
8.സർവ്വവിദ്യാധിരാജൻ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് ആര് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (LGS 2018)
9.Identify the author of 'Prachina Malayalam' - Chattampi Swamikal (Vocational Teacher Dairying 2018)
10.Who wrote the book called “Adibhasha” - Chattambi Swamikal (Technical Assistant Gr.II ,Food Safety Department 2018)
11.Chattampi Swamikal had taken his last breath at - Panmana (Vocational Instructor in maintenance and Repairs of Automobiles 2018)
12.In Which Branch of Medicine Chattampi Swamikal acquired knowledge - Siddha (Assistant Professor in Community Medicine 2018)
13.ഷൺമുഖദാസൻ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന സാമൂഹ്യപരിഷ്കർത്താവ് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (Forest Driver 2018)
14.Who wrote the famous book “Vedadikara Nirupanam” - Chattambi Swamikal (VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR IN DOMESTIC NURSING 2018)
15.Name the Nair social reformist who revolted against Brahmin dominance in Kerala - Chatampi Swamikal (Treatment Organizer GR II 2018)
16.Vedantha Saram and Vedadikara Niroopanam are works written by - Chattampi Swamikal (MEDICAL OFFICER HOMOEO 2018)
17.Who is the author of 'Sarvamatha Samarasyam' - Chattambi Swamikal (Drawing Teacher High School 2018)
18.ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികളുടെ യഥാർത്ഥ പേര് - അയ്യപ്പൻ (Gardener Gr III 2018)
19.'Vedhadhikaraniroopanam' is written by - Chattampi Swamikal (Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018)
20.At which place Chattampi Swamikal attained samadi - Panmana (Sergeant 2018)
21.The social reformer of Kerala, who is known as ‘Vidyadhiraja’ - Chattampi Swamikal (Junior Instructor Machinist 2018)
22.Chattampi Swamikal was a __________ reformist - Nair (MOTOR MECHANIC 2018)
23.Who wrote the book "Christhumatha Chethanam" - Chattampi Swami (Specialist Manasika 2018)
24."The whole universe is one mind. Between mind and mind there is no vacuum." Who said this - Chattampi Swamikal (Farm Superindent - Ayurveda 2018)
25.Chattampi Swami's version of monism is explained in his work called - Advaitachintha Padhathi (Naval Architect 2018)
26.‘Adi Bhasha’ is a research work in the field of linguistics written by - Chattampi Swamikal (Confidential Asst.Gr.II 2018)
27.“Vedadikara Niroopanam” is a book written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Junior Instructor 2018)
28.Who was known as 'Shanmughadasan' - Chattampi Swamikal (Pattern Maker 2018)
29.The author of ‘Advaita Chintapadhathi’ - Chattambi Swamikal (HSST ZOOLOGY 2018)
30.‘കുഞ്ഞൻപിള്ള‘ എന്ന പേരിൽ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന സാമൂഹിക പരിഷ്കർത്താവ് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (AYAH 2018)
31.The spiritual leader of Kerala who explained the meaning of 'Chinmudra' to Swami Vivekananda - Chattambi Swamikal (Assistant Professor in Oral Medicine and Radiology 2018)
32.Who was the author of the "Pracheena Malayalam” - Chattampi Swamikal (Machinist-State Water Transport 2018)
33.Christu Mada Chedanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Junior Instructor Mechanic Diesel 2018)
34.Vedadhikara Niroopanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikkal (Junior Public Health Nurse Gr.II 2018)
35.'കുഞ്ഞൻ പിള്ള' എന്ന യഥാർത്ഥ നാമധേയമുള്ള നവോത്ഥാന നായകൻ - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (Lab Assistant in HSE 2018)
1.Name the person also known as Shanmugadasan - Chattampi Swamikal (Foreman 2017)
(A)Vedadhikara Niroopanam (B)Vedatarkam
(C)Varthamanapustakam (D)Chaturyantam
1.'Prachina Malayalam' is the work of - Chattampi Swamikal (Assistant Professor Pharmacology NCA 2019)
2.Who attained Samadhi at Panmana - Chattampiswamikal (Live Stock Inspector Gr. II 2019)
1.The author of 'Advaitha Chintha Padhathi' - Chattambi Swamikal (Assistant Professor in Surgical Gasteroenterology 2018)
2.“Panmana Asramam” is related to - Chattambi Swamikal (HSST -COMPUTER SCIENCE 2018)
3.Vedadhikaranirupanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Caretaker Male 2018)
4.Who was the author of “Kristhumatha Niroopanam” - Chattampi Swamikal (BLACK SMITH 2018)
5.Chattampi Swamikal was born at - Kannanmoola (Assistant Professor-General Surgery 2018)
6.At which place Chattampi Swamikal attained Samadhi - Panmana (Women Civil Excise Officer 2018)
7.Which social reformer of Kerala authored a book titled “Pracheena Malayalam” - Chattambi Swamikal (Staff Nurse Grade II 2018)
8.സർവ്വവിദ്യാധിരാജൻ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് ആര് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (LGS 2018)
9.Identify the author of 'Prachina Malayalam' - Chattampi Swamikal (Vocational Teacher Dairying 2018)
10.Who wrote the book called “Adibhasha” - Chattambi Swamikal (Technical Assistant Gr.II ,Food Safety Department 2018)
11.Chattampi Swamikal had taken his last breath at - Panmana (Vocational Instructor in maintenance and Repairs of Automobiles 2018)
12.In Which Branch of Medicine Chattampi Swamikal acquired knowledge - Siddha (Assistant Professor in Community Medicine 2018)
13.ഷൺമുഖദാസൻ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന സാമൂഹ്യപരിഷ്കർത്താവ് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (Forest Driver 2018)
14.Who wrote the famous book “Vedadikara Nirupanam” - Chattambi Swamikal (VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR IN DOMESTIC NURSING 2018)
15.Name the Nair social reformist who revolted against Brahmin dominance in Kerala - Chatampi Swamikal (Treatment Organizer GR II 2018)
16.Vedantha Saram and Vedadikara Niroopanam are works written by - Chattampi Swamikal (MEDICAL OFFICER HOMOEO 2018)
17.Who is the author of 'Sarvamatha Samarasyam' - Chattambi Swamikal (Drawing Teacher High School 2018)
18.ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികളുടെ യഥാർത്ഥ പേര് - അയ്യപ്പൻ (Gardener Gr III 2018)
19.'Vedhadhikaraniroopanam' is written by - Chattampi Swamikal (Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2018)
20.At which place Chattampi Swamikal attained samadi - Panmana (Sergeant 2018)
21.The social reformer of Kerala, who is known as ‘Vidyadhiraja’ - Chattampi Swamikal (Junior Instructor Machinist 2018)
22.Chattampi Swamikal was a __________ reformist - Nair (MOTOR MECHANIC 2018)
23.Who wrote the book "Christhumatha Chethanam" - Chattampi Swami (Specialist Manasika 2018)
24."The whole universe is one mind. Between mind and mind there is no vacuum." Who said this - Chattampi Swamikal (Farm Superindent - Ayurveda 2018)
25.Chattampi Swami's version of monism is explained in his work called - Advaitachintha Padhathi (Naval Architect 2018)
26.‘Adi Bhasha’ is a research work in the field of linguistics written by - Chattampi Swamikal (Confidential Asst.Gr.II 2018)
27.“Vedadikara Niroopanam” is a book written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Junior Instructor 2018)
28.Who was known as 'Shanmughadasan' - Chattampi Swamikal (Pattern Maker 2018)
29.The author of ‘Advaita Chintapadhathi’ - Chattambi Swamikal (HSST ZOOLOGY 2018)
30.‘കുഞ്ഞൻപിള്ള‘ എന്ന പേരിൽ അറിയപ്പെടുന്ന സാമൂഹിക പരിഷ്കർത്താവ് - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (AYAH 2018)
31.The spiritual leader of Kerala who explained the meaning of 'Chinmudra' to Swami Vivekananda - Chattambi Swamikal (Assistant Professor in Oral Medicine and Radiology 2018)
32.Who was the author of the "Pracheena Malayalam” - Chattampi Swamikal (Machinist-State Water Transport 2018)
33.Christu Mada Chedanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikal (Junior Instructor Mechanic Diesel 2018)
34.Vedadhikara Niroopanam was written by - Chattambi Swamikkal (Junior Public Health Nurse Gr.II 2018)
35.'കുഞ്ഞൻ പിള്ള' എന്ന യഥാർത്ഥ നാമധേയമുള്ള നവോത്ഥാന നായകൻ - ചട്ടമ്പിസ്വാമികൾ (Lab Assistant in HSE 2018)
1.Name the person also known as Shanmugadasan - Chattampi Swamikal (Foreman 2017)
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